Why Monitoring for exposed credentials is important

Passwords are a twentieth-century solution to a modern day problem. Unfortunately, usernames and passwords are still the most common method for logging onto services including corporate networks, social media sites, e-commerce, emails and others. 39% of users are using the same password or a very close alternative, for numerous online services. Here we explain how credentials can be compromised and how to protect against them being exposed.

How are Credentials Exposed?


With 28,500 as the average number of breached data records, including credentials, per UK based company. Usernames and passwords represent the keys to the kingdom for malicious attackers. Criminals who know how to penetrate a companies defenses can easily steal hundreds of even thousands of credentials at one time and post them to the Dark Web. For a more information about the dark web, have a look at this post!

The typical price range for exposed individual credentials is £1 to £8, which doesn’t sound a lot, but with a large breach the value will only rise. A criminal dealing in stolen credentials can make tens of thousands of pounds from buyers on the dark web interested in purchasing this ‘service‘. By selling these credentials to multiple buyers, organisations that experience a breach of data can easily be under digital assault from dozens or even hundreds of attackers.

Protecting against credential compromise

While there is always going to be a risk that attackers will gain access and compromise company’s systems though advanced attacks, most data breaches exploit common vectors such as known vulnerabilities with old systems, unpatched softwares and unaware employees. Only by implementing a suite of tools which include Dark web monitoring data leak prevention, multi factor authentication, employee security awareness and others – can organisations protect their business from the perils of the dark web.

If you require any more information about Deep Web monitoring, or to see what Reliable Networks can do for your business, then please get in touch at security@reliablenetworks.co.uk 


Gregory Olczyk

Gregory Olczyk